Craft Details
HobbiesApp is a community service social media app that helps Hobbiers® to find other Hobbiers® nearby them who share a common hobby. Then, HobbiesApp allow them to share experience, thoughts, opinions and media by creating specialized groups about their hobbies. After that, Hobbiers® can arrange for meetings, gatherings or events about their hobbies.
The app can be used as rich source of information and knowledge for those who are curious about a specific hobby but don’t know who to ask about it or where to go to try it. HobbiesApp has a purpose: to promote meaningful social media. HobbiesApp also promote for public health, positive lifestyle, entertainment, knowledge and innovation: find your peers and go out there to enjoy your hobby all together!
HobbiesApp is designed to be simple and very user friendly using the 3-Clicks Concept: only 3-clicks to reach the groups page… simple!